Sunday, June 3, 2007

It's about time

Well, after years (literally) of knowing that I didn't have a photo for the girl dammit doll I finally got another sample made and as soon as I can get my scanner working or get ahold of a digital camera I will get it posted. The original sample may or may not be owned by a little girl named Lily (long story, thanks, John).

I also have a sample made of the ring-centered granny and that photo should be posted along with the doll. Jessy is helping make up the other samples I'm missing, and I'm going to ask Sarah about pictures of the things that just don't have photos.

And even better, I'm finally getting the patterns that were sent in the newsletter, but never got posted coded up and ready to be uploaded.

I'm excited, the site is actually getting to where I'd like it to be. I have a template for my pattern page now so I don't have to worry about trying to remember what the hell I did with the others every time I need to add a new pattern. I know that page views on the site have dropped off because of a lack of new stuff and general laziness on my part. I'm trying to remedy all of this but actually staying on top of things. Woo!

Thanks for hanging in there with me,

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