Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Cleaning my Workspace

Alright, so, I wish that my camera worked so that I could get pictures for before and after, but tomorrow, I'm going to go upstairs and start to get my studio put together, for really, this time. I've been putting it off because I wanted to paint first, but let's be realistic, I've been "getting around to painting" in that room for like 4 years now. I need to just get situated so that I don't have craft supplies all over the damn house.

Once all of the cleaning is out of the way, it should be much easier for me and Jess to put in whole Saturdays of work, I'm hoping we can aim for once a month, plus I might actually be able to find everything for once. Organizing gets a little crazy because most people organize their yarn, or their beads, or the sewing stuff, or their scrapbooking. I need to organize all of that, plus framing, floral arranging, website samples, patterns of all kinds, projects I'm doing for other people, and so on and so on. Also, cd's because I can't work without music.

At any rate, once I have an organized workspace, I'm hoping that a few things will come to fruition.

1) The house will be cleaner.
2) I won't have to say "I need to find my..." anymore.
3) I'll be more productive.
4) My husband won't be afraid of my craft room any more.
5) I could have company over, and not have to hide my art supplies behind the sofa.
6) I won't have to worry about the cat sleeping on things he shouldn't.
7) My allergies will get better.
7a) My asthma with be better.

And so on. Right now my craft room looks like the craft room I always swore I'd never have. And I HATE IT!

So, even though I won't have any before pictures, I do plan on having many after pictures to share with you. Wish me luck, and if no one hears from me by Friday, tell my husband where I was headed. ;-)

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