Wednesday, January 16, 2008

*sigh* still pooped.

I still feel kinda lousy. Like in that way where when you finally break down and go to the doctor you can't really describe how you feel. It's been like 6 weeks now where I just don't feel quite right. I think it's because I've been going full tilt since like Thanksgiving and before that we painted and so on and so on.

I'm hoping that either I'll feel better when things slow back down at work, or I'll just get really sick and get it over with. Something needs to give soon because the house is starting to be a mess again from me not feeling like doing anything. And the Christmas tree is still up.

As far as projects go:
Nibbler is half finished and on hold for now.
I need to check if the Shrek hat fits Lyam so I can finish that.
I need to make a cow to go with the pig.
Katherine's gift is stitched, but not finished.
Dave's gift is about halfway stitched.
Haven't started stripping the radiators.
Haven't started fixing the hole in the 3rd floor ceiling.
The cat got his bath.
The cat has forgiven me for his bath.
I have a long list of dolls for our collection.
Haven't heard from Troy about the Retail Hell art.
Haven't gotten around to calling Troy to remind him about said art.
Got a smidge of writing done on my short story.
Started writing down and fleshing out my apocalypse dreams.
Haven't gotten past looking at the Psionics games based on the short story.
Sarah needs to proof, edit, etc the first draft of the kids book.
I need to email the 1st draft of the kids book so Sarah could edit it.

And on and on.

I really need to sit and make a complete list. Maybe then I can make some headway. If I'm ever not tired.

On a side note, I highly recommend Narutaru if you're interested in Anime.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I've been feeling the same way. You're right; I think it's one of those, "something's gotta give" scenarios. No rush on the children's book stuff. :-)