Thursday, January 10, 2008

Not again! (an update)

So we got the Corsica back on Friday. And on Saturday, it started acting up again. Same thing. So we let it sit until Monday, because we wanted to talk to the garage before we had it towed over again.

Before I continue let me just say, I had thought that Easton Auto Body sucked, but did I ever underestimate just how badly.

Turns out that they never caught the other stuff wrong with my car because IT WAS MECHANICAL. Apparently they're incapable of noticing anything is wrong if it doesn't code out on the computer.

Now I could see if I took my car in and said "Sensor X is bad, replace it" and they did just that and then it still didn't work because something else was wrong. But I took my car in and said "It starts but doesn't stay running, fix it" and they basically stopped working after they fixed the first problem they came to.

Then they proceeded to lie to me and tell me that the check engine light never came on for them after they fixed the sensor. How is it that I'm so sure they're lying through their teeth? Easy. The check engine light has come on EVERY time I've EVER let that car run for more than 10 minutes since the day I bought it. It came on after they fixed the sensor too. In fact it still comes on.

Which means, they either lied about the light coming on, or they lied about letting it idle for 2 hours to make sure it was running properly.

And if they'd lie about something so simple, what else would they lie about?

Then they tried to prove how trustworthy their work is by providing with an example. Random female customer Ms. X has been bringing her car to them since it was brand new, with the exception of the "break in period" (whatever that means) where she took it to the dealership. She has never had any concerns with the labor performed at Easton Auto Body. The guy we were talking about then proceeded to tell us that this woman's car is about 4 years old now.

Honestly, how many times could she have possibly had her car in the garage if she bought it new 4 YEARS AGO? How much could have possibly gone wrong?

An oil change? I trust even Walmart with an oil change. It's pretty hard to get that wrong.

Spark plugs? Only if she drives a lot. And again, you unscrew the old one and screw the new one in. I can change my own. (Except in the Corsica cause they're impossible to get to.)

Anyway, the end result is, their solution was to unplug the torque converter solenoid in order to keep my car running and now it doesn't feel like it's downshifting properly.

They basically fixed one problem by creating another.

Oh and the best part! When we wouldn't take their talking in circles and refusing to give a straight answer as good enough, THEY GOT PISSED OFF AT US! "Your keys are in your car, either take it and go, or we'll tow it to where ever you want. Just go."

So, now I have to take the Corsica to Ernie and Eli at A&E Diagnostic, which is an awesome little garage in my neighborhood that we've been going to for 5 years. In short, I want the guys I trust to make sure my car is even safe to drive, while in the meantime, we'll be shopping for a newer used car for me.


  1. If I can help at all by picking you up some evenings when you're done at 6 or close or whatever, let me know. You can always pay me back by feeding me. ;-)

  2. Thanks, but "see most recent post."
